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    Invest In Information

    All of us have big, costly decisions to make. Make the correct decision and you can make your company more profitable. Get it wrong and you cost the company money. Decisions are important, and therefore, having accurate information to work with also becomes important. There is major economic value in good information, and therefore we need to see it as an asset, just like a piece of machinery. Good information is something to be invested in, not an expense to be cut out of the budget.

    Let's briefly talk about the difference between expenses and investments. Expenses cost you money, and after the fact you have little or nothing to show for it. The money is gone and it's not coming back. You should do your best to reduce your expenses. Investments on the other hand make you money in the future. Sure, they cost you some money upfront, but (hopefully) that money comes back to you, with profit, in the future. Investments are not something to be eliminated, rather they are something to be carefully and thoughtfully planned out.

    Invest in information so that you can make more informed decisions.